Coral Gables
Key Largo
Coral Gables
Key Largo

Laser Dentistry Florida | What is Laser Dentistry?

July 17, 2019

Perhaps you’re not really sure about what you know when it comes to laser dentistry Florida. Its growing popularity is clearly evident as more and more dental practitioners across the globe are embracing the use of lasers. Aside from the fact that laser dentistry Florida can be really helpful to patients who struggle with dental anxiety, laser applications are also less invasive and more precise than other traditional methods. In case you’re wondering, ‘Laser’ is also referred to as Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

How Laser Dentistry Florida Works

Lasers prepare your tooth’s enamel for a filling by removing accumulated plaque and tartar. Moreover, they can also treat inflamed gums by removing diseased tissue and reducing the bacteria in the area between the gums and the teeth. With lasers, you can have your teeth whitened a few shades brighter and have your gum lines precisely reshaped as well.

The Key Benefits of Using Lasers in Dental Procedures

Since this revolutionary method is much quieter than a drill, you won’t hear any whining nor feel any vibrations during the entire procedure. Aside from the fact that laser dentistry Florida is very much precise and its impact on your oral tissues is at the minimum, it also requires little or no anesthesia because it is generally painless and gentle. What’s more, it promotes quicker recovery periods because of its ability to minimize swelling and bleeding. Lastly, lasers significantly reduce the risk of infection as it decontaminates the affected areas.

who offers laser dentistry florida?

Need Laser Dentistry Florida?

Many dental experts incorporate laser dentistry Florida into their practice. If you’re interested to get more information about it, schedule an appointment with a dental practitioner who uses the state-of-the-art laser technology – Dr. Francisco Montamarta. Give us a call today!

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