If you have damaged teeth that can’t be restored, then you can replace them with dental implants Miramar. Dental implants are the next best thing to natural teeth! They feel and look natural for your smile.
Plus, they’re securely anchored into your jawbone, allowing you to smile with confidence without worrying about them falling off. There are so many reasons to love this tooth-replacement option. Here are the top 5 reasons why people love dental implants.
Dental implants function just like natural teeth. They’re designed to fuse with your jawbone and anchor there, just like the roots of your real teeth, allowing them to become a permanent part of your mouth structure overtime. This gives dental implants the same stability as your original teeth.
Dental implants help support your mouth and facial structure. It also helps stimulate your jaw bone which is essential to avoid bone resorption. Replacing your missing tooth or teeth with dental implants immediately can help prevent facial sagging and premature aging.
What’s great about dental implants is that they’re designed to last a lifetime. As long as you take proper care of them and practice good oral hygiene, you don’t have to replace them ever! Plus, no maintenance needed. This allows you to save thousands of dollars in the long run.
Aside from being functional and durable, dental implants are also natural-looking. They can provide you a healthy and beautiful smile for the years to come.
With dental implants, there are no food restrictions! From steak to apples, you can eat whatever you like. Just make sure to brush and floss your teeth after!
There’s just no reason for you not to love dental implants Miramar! At the office of Dr. Francisco Montamarta, we do our utmost to give you a beautiful smile. Contact us today to make an appointment!