Many people forget that excessive consumption of alcohol is toxic to the body. However, did you know that drinking alcohol, although not excessive, can compromise your dental health when taken at the wrong time? Drinking alcohol after your implant placement can jeopardize the treatment even if you’ve chosen the best dental implants in Davie.
The time when your implants are most vulnerable to alcohol is three days after your treatment. Alcohol can obstruct the healing process of your body and hinder it to rebuild all the things that were lost or damaged, including your blood vessels, bone cells, collagen, and skin.
More so, the contents found in alcohol can delay and restrict the healing signals of your body. As your new bone grows to achieve osseointegration, there will be insufficient blood vessels to support the process.
Restriction to alcohol consumption does not stop when your gums and bones have completely healed. Your implants will still be at risk if you excessively consume alcohol. Studies show that too much consumption of alcohol can lead to an inadequate blood supply. Because of this, it can trigger avascular necrosis (AVN) related problems.
How much alcohol consumption can trigger AVN? Researchers found that individuals who are regular drinkers all have a slightly higher risk of triggering AVN.
The most important aftercare tip for dental implants is maintaining good dental hygiene. Aside from excessive alcohol drinking and smoking, you should also avoid electric or water jet toothbrushes. For now, use a traditional toothbrush so your gums won’t be disturbed.
Once you’ve got your dental implants, it is highly advisable to regularly visit your dentist. Dental visits will guarantee that your implants are kept clean and in stable condition.
If you’re planning to get dental implants or simply want to know whether you’re a good candidate for such treatment, please get a hold of Dr. Francisco Montamarta through this link!