Perhaps the pain in your jaw has become unbearable lately or your tooth has been bugging you for weeks. Your dentist probably mentioned that you’ll need to undergo a Weston oral surgery. Before your internal alarm goes off and you begin to panic, here are the reasons why you should seriously consider getting a dental implant treatment.
Dental implants are important when you have a missing tooth. It is necessary to replace the missing tooth, as the consequences of doing nothing can develop into a much bigger dental problem. Also, this treatment is availed by patients who are seeking dental aesthetic benefits. Since dental implants are the perfect replica of your tooth, getting one of these will restore the beauty of your smile. It is as if you’ve never lost your tooth.
Keeping each tooth properly aligned leads to healthy teeth and jawbone. Likewise, dental implants prevent bone deterioration. When a tooth is missing or got extracted, your jawbone will begin to deteriorate because their support system is no longer necessary. With all the pressure from your chewing, your jawbone will not be able to regain its strength. Therefore, it’s important you get dental implants as soon as you’ve lost your tooth.
Although dental implants don’t get cavities, you still need to brush and floss regularly to protect your teeth and mouth from bacteria. The materials they’re made of are incapable of going through decay. However, if you fail to brush, floss, and see your dentist regularly, the natural teeth that you still have in your mouth may suffer or an infection could start in your gum line.
If you need a skilled and experienced oral surgeon who can provide you with the highest quality of dental and oral care, contact Dr. Francisco Montamarta today to schedule a consultation.