Coral Gables
Key Largo
Coral Gables
Key Largo

Recovery Time of Dental Implants

December 07, 2022

The most common and worth-the-money treatment to replace teeth permanently is dental implants in Weston. The therapy combines surgical and prosthetic procedures. However, the surgical procedure will take time to heal. What is the anticipated recovery period for dental implants? The answer to this most frequently asked question will depend on how one handles post-surgery dental care.

illustration of dental implants in Weston

How Long Is the Healing Period for Dental Implants?


Every dental implant is positioned in the bone to serve as a sturdy foundation and to replace the tooth’s root part. Osseointegration is derived from the Latin word “integrate,” which means to make whole, and the Greek word “osteon,” which means bone. The phrase refers to the direct structural and functional connection between the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant and the living bone.

Osseointegration can take several months after the implant has been inserted. The implant procedure enables bone fusion and is secure enough to hold a tooth. Unfortunately, this process cannot be sped up; it needs to take its course naturally. The procedure typically takes 2-4 months to complete. Once osseointegration has taken place, the dental implant’s crown can be connected, allowing you to use and eat with your dental implants without any problems.

24 Hours Following Surgery

Thanks to advance sedation dentistry, you won’t experience severe pain right after surgery. Our dental professionals will cover your implant site with a gauze pack. It would help if you bit down on this gauze to ensure that your blood clot forms appropriately. Although occasional bleeding may continue for 24 hours or longer, most of the bleeding should stop within 1-2 hours.

Moreover, you’ll feel pain and discomfort when the anesthesia and numbing wear off. If a painkiller has been recommended to you, take it strictly as advised. If not, you can get pain relief from over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen. Ice applied to the cheek close to the implant site will also help numb the area.

If at all possible, we advise taking the day off from work. Even though some patients return to work the day after surgery, it can be helpful to let your body get an extra day to recover.

comparison of dental implants in Weston

Where to Get Dental Implants in Weston?

Always abide by your dentist’s recommendations and only consume soft meals. Brushing your teeth is fine, but avoid touching the extraction site. For more post-surgery dental tips, contact us for more information!

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Key Largo
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